Will Your Marriage Survive?

I want to ask you a question about your marriage.  Obviously I will not know the answer unless you chose to tell me, but I want you to really take a moment and answer the question before you read on:

Why did you get Married?

Now are any of your answers like the ones below?

  1. She made me laugh
  2. She had a wonderful personality
  3. I couldn’t stop looking at her
  4. She complimented me well
  5. I wanted a family and I knew she would make a great mom
  6. She had the same interests as me

Maybe your answer wasn’t on the list above, but did it describe a way that SHE made YOU happy?

Look at my made up list.  The common theme there is that every one of those reasons are something that she does for me.  What happens when one of those things go away?  Do your reasons for marriage collapse now?

How many of you have gotten a wandering eye when your partner stopped pleasing you?  It was all her fault right?

Is your viewpoint that your marriage is supposed to SERVE you?

Let me put this in a way that anyone that has spent more than 5 minutes in the military can understand:

There are two types of leadership perspectives in the military.  One that places the soldiers first.  This leader understands that it is his duty to train, equip, and protect his soldiers.  He sees his position as one of service to his men.  He eats after they do, sleeps after they do, and isn’t afraid to do the terrible jobs alongside his men.  For his service, they will literally follow him into hell with smiles on their faces.  His leadership will create a cohesive team where the bonds of brotherhood will never be broken.

Then there is the asshole who sees a leadership position as an opportunity to advance his own career.  This fuckstick will do as little as possible when his superiors aren’t present.  His goal is to use the leadership position for his own aggrandizement.  The team becomes fractured and his men will never fully trust him.

So let me ask, what kind of leader are you in your marriage?

Let that sink in for a moment buddy, are you serving your family, or are you expecting them to serve you?

So you decide, what kind of husband are you going to be?

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