Cowards Wearing Green Berets

Most of you that follow this page probably already have heard about this case, but in case you haven’t, you need to pay attention to the story of SFC Charles Martland and CPT Daniel Quinn.













These two warriors were confronted by a small Afghan boy and his mother while conducting operations in their AO.  The boy and his mother reported a horrific account where the young child was tied to a pole and brutally raped and beaten by a local Afghan Police commander.  When the mother reported this to local authorities, she was summarily beaten as well, so she went to the symbol of freedom in the area, the men who wear this symbol:



When these men confronted the Afghan commander he reportedly laughed off the accusations.

Dear reader, if you have never seen evil personified, then maybe you don’t know the visceral reaction that it creates in the mind and body of a sheepdog.  Where many other men would cower, these two did not.  They gave that sick rapist the beating he deserved, and frankly showed mercy in sparing his life in my opinion.

What happened next, and is still happening now, is the greatest affront to everything the US Military and our Special Operations forces stands for:  Both of these men were reprimanded for their actions.

I have had some patience in writing this post as I reached out to friends in special operations to confirm because I was in disbelief, but no, it’s true: there are cowards wearing Green Berets.

Not the two men who lived up to what their fucking emblem says “De Oppresor Liber” (even as far as Latin goes, that one is easy to figure out).  No, it’s everyone in their chain of command that dons the same uniform.

Those fucking cowards that claim to be leaders of green berets have no principles whatsoever.  They chose their damn careers over their men.

This has become a regular occurrence in the Army.  Follow any military page on social media, and you’re bound to see something about leaders not caring for their soldiers.  Besides a smattering of a few Lieutenant Colonels, the real warfighters, those that have actually experienced real combat, are generally Majors and below.  It’s the junior leaders that understand the brotherhood and that have been truly tested, evidenced by these two men who stood on principle and personified everything that Green Berets should be.

While young leaders are out fighting our wars, however, cowards with rank are rubbing elbows and politically maneuvering to better their paychecks at the expense of their own soldiers.  Fuck them.

I don’t know what we can do to fix a culture that is rotten from the inside.  I don’t know what to do about the thousands of warriors that are let down by their chain of command every day.  I know this, though, the cowards prosecuting these two warriors should be ashamed.

I have a message for them, help me get it to them by sharing this far and wide:

Now I speak directly to you, the cowards wearing Green Berets.  You have let your men down, you have let your country down, and you have sacrificed your principles to save your career.  Your superiors wanted you to do the wrong thing, but rather than stand up to them and stand by the men who had moral courage, you sacrificed them as pawns to protect yourself.  If you do nothing now, if even when confronted with this great injustice made public you remain quiet, then you should take off the uniform because you are a disgrace to it.  Many great men died wearing those colors, believing in them and what they stood for; every day you wear it, you belittle their sacrifice you fucking coward.

I’m sick of this bullshit.




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29 thoughts on “Cowards Wearing Green Berets”

  1. OMGosh I would LOVE to steal this and edit it to replace the cowards to have the names of the current Australian Prime Minister and his Bullshit government. Selling off Australian farms and land to the Chinese. Allowing foreign untrained staff into our jobs-Our seamen are now unemployed because our bullshit government signed deals allowing foreign and Australian ships to let these untrained workers to sail massive ships into our country. These workers are being told of the great money they will earn in these jobs-HA by the time they do their 40 or possibly more hours a week doing hard labour their paypackets have less that $10 a week in them. **cowards with rank are rubbing elbows and politically maneuvering to better their paychecks at the expense of their own soldiers. *** HA The cowards with rank are our Australian politicians ruining a great country

  2. I think I saw in the news that SFC Martland still had appeals remaining in the process. My hope is that his appeals continues through 2016 and into 2017 and that we then have a real CINC that would pardon him.

  3. Sadly, the stench of cowardice in the DOD goes FAR beyond those who this author is speaking of. I remember one General who went so far as to call military service a “type of priesthood.” He was mocked and driven from service by those who did not bother to understand his meaning. When we put on our uniforms each day we promised not to just do a job. We are promised to stand as the physical embodiment of the BEST our nation has.

    During my 20+ years I witnessed many “service persons” who took the easy route of political expediency, over their duty to morality. I stood up to my share of them (mostly alone) and paid a price for it, almost every time. Good people, people of conscience, stand by and ACT upon their core beliefs of morality, and justice.

    I agree with the author, the Afghan “police” commander is lucky to be breathing.

  4. I am so tired of articles like this. Clearly the author has limited knowledge and fails to grasp simple concepts or have the ability to truly analyze anything. Here is why.

    Imagine if a boy in your American neighborhood came up to you and said that your local police chief raped him. Do you run straight down to the police station and beat his ass? What do you think would happen to you?

    Imagine these Green Berets were in Thailand on a training mission and a local boy comes to them and tells them that a military commander whom they are working with, has raped him. Should the Green Berets “Free the Oppressed” and go beat the Commander’s ass without any due process? What kind of national incident do you think that would cause? Don’t answer as it appears you lack the analytical thought to do so.

    These men were in a foreign country. They couldn’t pick up a phone and report this to their chain-of-command for advisement? Of course not. They chose not to report this to higher as they wanted blood. They wanted revenge. Who can blame them. But is that what Americans do? Do they go give beat downs to suspected rapists? Should all Americans overseas be given the right to give beat downs to suspects? At our Naval bases in Rota, Spain? In Germany, Japan?

    Quit being lemmings and repeating this story. Those Green Beret Commanders made the right decisions.

    Quinn and Martland should feel lucky they were not court martialed and given a dishonorable discharge.

    They should just shut their mouths and accept the gracious door given to them with their honorable discharges and rank intact.

    1. Wow. Penalty, Ad hominem on the play – attacked the person not the argument – 15 yard penalty, repeat 4th down.

      Joe, are you a liberal? Are you even a veteran? Have you never stepped foot outside of the United States? Are you an Obama supporter? Hillary supporter? Sanders supporter? Do you even have a clue about how life outside of your own little bubble works?

      Because it sounds like you don’t have the first clue about anything here…

      Now, I’m seriously asking, because you sound exactly like that.

      You sound like the kind of guy that prowls around looking to pick a fight with any idea on the internet that doesn’t agree with your point of view. You sound like the kind of guy to suddenly show up in the comments of random articles sticking up for the integrity and honor of all that the services stand for, and attack them for not thinking just like you do. You sound like the kind of guy that attempts to justify their position in argumentative fallacy, political rhetoric that is nothing more than a distraction to the reality of the point at hand, and pointless factoids that only matter to a bias point of view. You sound like the kind of guy who has never once been in a similar situation like the one discussed in any conversation you chose to butt-in on, and therefore hasn’t the first clue on what your attempting to argue about – or even a base understanding of “why” it’s important.

      Indeed, it is you it seems who clearly has limited knowledge, fails to grasp simple concepts, and has zero clue how to analyze anything.

      Hint here: the Author was giving an objective opinion, not an “analytical analysis”. Perhaps you should learn the difference?

      Again, I’m seriously asking. Because if you really are just some liberal, hippy, self-entitled, socialistic, cultural PC apologetic, Obama/Hillary/Sanders supporting, un-traveled, non-veteran, waste of oxygen and space scumbag… then why would you even bother? The more intelligent thing to do would be to simply leave the page if you didn’t like the views expressed by the author… Yet you felt overly-compelled to attempt to “educate” everyone with your own – highly opinionated – opinions while attacking the author? Are you a pseudo-intellectual too? Let me guess, do you hang out at your local university, and because you’ve taken a few feminist studies and liberal political classes, suddenly you’re an expert and need to look down on everyone else with a false sense of superiority?

      If you are, however, indeed a real veteran – world-traveled, highly intelligent, highly driven, cultured, experienced, actual combat veteran – then what gives, bro? How in the world do you NOT understand the very fabric of what it means to wear the uniform and uphold its honor and values yet at this point in your life? How in the world do you not yet understand that American “values” do NOT apply outside of U.S. borders?

      News flash, America is the only nation that plays by her own rules, and the vast majority of the rest of the world could give a single shit less about America or its idea of what constitutes “proper” justice. Do you honestly think for one second that if those guys did apply American values in that situation – meaning the guy would have been arrested, and sent to trial by his own peers, in his own country, using their own laws (NOT “American” laws) – that real justice would have been served? Just how naive are you? Bet cold, hard cash that nothing would have happened, the guy would have be set free, and both the mother and the child would have been dead in a week thereafter. How in the world would that have solved the problem? After you leave and go home, what’s to stop the problem from getting worse? In no way would that build trust with the locals, that’s for sure. One of the largest parts of the SF mission is “Relation Building”… this is quite literally what allows the whole SF mission to work. How is that effective relation building if you don’t even understand the host-nations social rules and way of life? How is that effective relation building if you have zero clue between what actually “helps” them or what will get them killed? What those guys did sent a very powerful message to the rest of the population, a population already living in fear under corrupt local police control… It said, “We’re the good guys. You can come to us for help. We CARE.”

      But you don’t seem to understand any of that… You think America is the end-all be-all of the world, and what applies within the states “should” apply everywhere else as well. It seems clear you’ve never been anywhere else… Because that typical “American” view is EXACTLY why the average American is the worst tourist in the world, and exactly why so many people around the world hate us… that mentality right there.

      These guys stood up for the local people, using their values, in a way that actually mattered. Their actions where ones of bravery, of honor, and whether you like it or not, justice. They deserved to be respected for upholding the values of the organization they belong to, but instead, were thrown to the wolves and cast aside by people clearly concerned only about themselves… That’s not leadership at all. In fact, quite the opposite, and THAT was the author’s main point.

      They were betrayed for doing what was right, and it seems you simply don’t understand why.

    2. So you would do nothing.. I severed in AFG and have lived in Thailand. And yes I would react the same.. I guess it has to do with the fact that as a child I was raped by my older brother many time of many years, and no one would listen to me when i told them it was going on.. And that is one of the problems with this world no one has the balls to do something about crap like this.. So I will put you in the same group I have the teachers who saw me come to school beat up, dirty and with dried blood on the backs of my legs, a coward who I love love nothing more than to visit the same horror on them as they let happen to me by doing nothing..

    3. I have worked the AGF since 2001 and the way these warriors handle this situation, was 100% correct, we all know that in the Afghan culture that little boys are for pleasure And the women are for reproduction. I would have handle situation the sameway! Their leadership sold them out for a star or eagle. Joe the way your letter sounds is you never been on the ground in Afghanistan or Iraq So you have no clue what you are taking about. RLTW!!!

    4. Joe, you are welcome for our service. If you ever served, you never put boots on ground and humped a tic. Don’t have a clue what I am talking about? Point made….

      After 27 years of active duty service as a SF operator, I can with confidence say you are obviously not a sheepdog, nor are you a sheep. You are most definitely a lamb. In this day and age, unfortunately, sheep have managed to breed lambs, which raises the responsibilities of us sheepdogs drastically. Mostly due to inbreed stupidity. Watch your step and don’t fall down because we won’t always be there to pick you up. The gene pool has to be weeded at some point.

    5. 1. They notified officials 3 times with no reaults

      2. A young girl was raped in this area. Her assailant was brought to justice with a 1 week sentence at which time he was released and the victim was forced to marry him because she was not “pure”.
      3. Go f yourself

    6. If you read into this at all you would find that at the time this occurred these types of incidents by Afghan nationals were being regularly reported to higher by operators and others who were boots on ground. And you would know that US servicemen, these two included, were being told to accept this relatively common practice of child rape as a “cultural difference” and that to confront local power wielding figures about their abhorrent behaviors was detrimental to the US mission.

      So where was the due process? It was in those two ‘s very capable hands.

      I’m going to go ahead and guess you are not a sheepdog, or type A, or high speed/low drag. Or maybe just not cognizant of the facts of the case.

  5. It unfortunately is true, under this administration there has been an active purging of the officer corps of warrior commanders and generals who are the ones who won’t play political ball with their troops, the service they represent and most importantly the mission of defending the nation. Obama got rid of them and rewarded those who would like his boots and put their political asperations ahead of their country, their oath and the mission they swore to carry out faithfully and with honor. Its been for this reason many, many good, seasoned young officers and NCO’s have left the service which further puts our military’s ability to execute its mission to defend the republic in jeopardy, and could become a friggin Greek tragedy if we suddenly found ourselves at war with the Chicoms or Russians.

  6. You are correct on many fronts, and the only way to actually put a stop to this is to CONTINUE doing the right thing no matter the cost.

    My family is currently in the midst of being separated due to this exact type of “me first” mentality when it comes to the higher chain of command and putting their career first. It went from me following the regulations to my threatening to put someone in the hospital for individuals to follow their own damn rules and regulations they put out and the regulations put forth by the commanding general(someone made the Army Times and received an ARCOM for reporting the same behavior).

    The Army has turned into this passive-aggressive political machine and it is affecting the NCO corps worse than any place else. There are outstanding leaders that are fed up and are leaving at an alarming rate because of it. The Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of the Army, and the SMA aren’t realizing that they’re losing their warriors and are being replaced by politicians in OCP’s….

  7. This is a sad case to discipline these honorable SF soldiers. When a child’s life is in danger. Like this one’s was and these SF soldier stepped in to help. These men should be rewarded. We have always been a Christian nation. If our military doesn’t step in and back this soldier. Then the people should keep fighting for him. We need to send the military and our government a strong message!

  8. This is the problem with SF officers, they spend 18 to 24 months in an ODA and then move up the ranks without really knowing what SF is all about. The best SF officer I served with were those that spend a lot of time on the ODA. Unfortunately those guys do not get selected to stay in SF, all due to the other rotten officers that will do anything to get promoted. How to fix it, bring back 2nd LTs to the ODA as ODA asst Cdrs, let them truly learn what SF is about, let them learn the culture before the become our leaders. That is my two cents.

  9. I have read the reports and frankly cannot believe them. But I have also read published news articles to the same conclusion. And I’m most ashamed of the direction that these men’s superiors have taken. I myself rose the rank if E-5 Sergeant in the Army ’75-79 and know that my troops are the only things I had and without husbanding my troops no one comes home.
    As sergeants we learn that sometimes we must lead troops into danger that we know we’ll will have little chance of surviving. This is a non-commissioned officer’s duty and honor as your picture illustrates.
    For a long time now I have felt that too many leaders both military, civilian and political don’t or won’t understand the concept of leading not following. Today in the political arena we have want-to-be leaders that only want to follow (Trump, Hillary and all the others), even the last President. Mr. Bush is AWOL, he didn’t report to his last duty station and I for one can’t understand any military personal that can justify this type of… well lack of commitment by one who would be Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces. But enough ranting on my part and back to the problem at hand.
    We all should be advocating for these two soldier’s and to that end, we should petition the White House web-site and with only 100,000 request this President will take up and examine our cause.
    My name is Morgan Bloomer and I would be proud to have my name linked with this cause.

  10. First of all I agres 100 percent. They are far below respectable officers and even senior NCO’s. Put out a list of who they are exactly. I’m sure the info is easily attainable. Let’s expose them, let everyone know who the fucking traders are.
    Second I liked your post but I wish you would change one line. As a retired SF NCO I do not like were you stated “what their FUCKING emblem states” or stands for. That emblem means a lot to a lot of people. As your article beings out, there are some who have forgot what is says or means. However most of us do know. I think a little more respect should be shown when talking about it. I mean no disrespect to you or your article. I support the contents fully.

      1. Thank you for your reply. I knew you ment no disrespect. We both know that the first thing any new recruit learns is that the word “fuck” is by far the best word in the English language. The meaning of the word has an unlimited amount of meanings. Once again I liked and supported your article.

  11. I agree with you 100% as I am a retired Army SFC who saw this happen too many time in my 24 1/2 years service. If those worthless politicians in DC would listen to Generals like Westmoreland and Petraeus this country would not be in the pitiful condition we are in. First off you do not tell the enemy when you are pulling troops out, so they can just set back and wait. These two SOLDIERS should be given a medal for their actions. I am so glad they did not kill the bastards because that would cause them much more, like being locked up in prison for the rest of their lives. I applaud them for what they did. Sincerely SFC (Retired) Harold R Wallace, Sr

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